
1-8. About the settings when an error occurs in a task

Sample pages for this tutorial

This section describes the settings for handling errors that occur in tasks.

Create a BOT

1. Open the BOT editor and access the sample page

Open the BOT editor from the "Create BOT" button,
Display the sample page https://www.c-bot.pro/sample-en/basic/basic-08.html.

2. Record the operation of copying data on the page

Click the "Record browser operations" button, and records the operation of copying "Sample Ltd.", "John Smith", and "sample@example.com" displayed on the page as the company name, contact name, and email address, respectively.
*Please refer to "1. Acquiring data from web pages (including an explanation of basic operations) to learn more about how to copy data".

3. Revert the task to the beginning and run it again

Click "Stop" in the top left corner of the task menu to halt the virtual browser. This action returns the task cursor to the beginning.

Click "Start" in the top left corner of the task menu to advance the task to the end.

4. Specify what to do when an error occurs in a task

An error message "wait For Selector timed out 5000ms" is displayed.
Click on Task 2 in the error message.

Click the "Other" button.

Click on the "Error Handling" button.

A pull-down menu for error handling will appear. Select "Continue" and click the blue check button.

Similarly for Tasks 3 and 4, change the processing to "Continue" when an error occurs.

5. Revert the task to the beginning and run it again

To check the operation again, rerun the task.
Click "Stop" in the top left corner of the task menu to halt the virtual browser. This action returns the task cursor to the beginning.

Click "Start" in the top left corner of the task menu to advance the task to the end.

The "wait For Selector timed out 5000ms" is displayed and the task is in error, but it can be confirmed that the process is proceeding to the end.

By setting the error handling to "Continue" the process can continue even if a specific task encounters an error.
(Example: This can be utilized when recording actions such as clicking the close button on a popup that appears periodically.)

6. Save the BOT

Change the "BOT Name" to 1-8. About the settings when an error occurs in a task.

Execute a BOT

1. Execute the created BOT

Select the created BOT and execute the BOT from the execution screen.

When the BOT execution is completed, the execution result will be displayed.

If the BOT is able to complete processing to the last task, it is considered to have "successfully completed.
If an error occurs in a task for which the error handling is set to "Continue" the BOT execution results in a Success because processing continues.

Change default settings for error handling

1.Change the default settings for error handling of tasks

You can specify what to do when an error occurs, not on a per-task basis, but as a default setting for the BOT.
Select the BOT you have created from the dashboard screen and click the "Edti" button.

The BOT editor will open, click on "Set" in the upper left corner of the screen.

Click on the "Error handling" tab.

Change "On error".

This concludes the tutorial “1-8. About the settings when an error occurs in a task”.

Go to the next tutorial >> 1-9. Change input and output data settings