
Welcome to the Cloud BOT tutorial!

This tutorial is a learning content written for those who want to learn how to use Cloud BOT.

Basics - Chapter 1 explains how to record the basic operations required to create a BOT.
If you are a first-time user, please refer to "1. Getting data from a Web page (including explanation of basic operations)".

Basics - Chapter 2 explains group data and iterative (loop) processing using group data.

Basics - Chapter 3 explains conditional branch processing.

*About contents in preparation
Please wait for a while as we plan to update the "Practice/Application", and "Others/By use" sections in due course.


You can learn how to record the basic operations required to create a BOT.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4


You can learn more advanced operation recording methods that are required for actual operations.

Others/By use

You can learn about the various settings and configurations that are required depending on the application and environment.