We have started offering the official version of some extension applications.

We have started offering the official version of some extension applications.


Thank you for your continued use of CloudBOT.

We are pleased to announce the official release of some extension applications that were previously provided in beta version.

Applications Officially Released
- Authenticator(QR code)
- Read barcodes from image
- Extract text from image or PDF
- Extract text from specified positions in images or PDFs
- Request to ChatGPT

Differences from the Beta Version
In the official version, you can execute applications using transactions. Please refer to the following link for the transaction usage of each application:

The number of transactions you can use monthly varies depending on your Cloud BOT pricing plan. Transactions can be purchased additionally if needed (available from September 1, 2024). For details on the number of transactions available with each pricing plan and the pricing for additional transactions, please refer to:

Please note that the period from July 25, 2024, to August 31, 2024, is a transition period. During this period, you can execute extension applications using transactions even if the monthly transaction limit is exceeded.